I do intend to endeavor a deeper a study of early Church history as it is absolutely fascinating and revealing. Here is a brief excerpt from one of the Canons of the Council of Carthage, regarding schismatic or disobedient priests:
Canon 11.
If any presbyter, inflated against his bishop, makes a schism, let him be anathema .
All the bishops said: If any presbyter shall have been corrected by his superior, he should ask the neighbouring bishops that his cause be heard by them and that through them he may be reconciled to his bishop: but if he shall not have done this, but, puffed up with pride, (which may God forbid!) he shall have thought it proper to separate himself from the communion of his bishop, and separately shall have offered the sacrifice to God, and made a schism with certain accomplices, let him be anathema, and let him lose his place; and if the complaint which he brought against his bishop shall [not] have been found to be well founded, an enquiry should be instituted.
Most interesting still is the final definitive declaration of the Canon of the Bible, in effect a repetition of the exact same Canons declared by the Synod of Rome and the Council of Hippo. If Protestants believe in "sola scriptura" they have nothing on this Canon of the Council of Carthage. (Bold face added for emphasis)
Canon 24. (Greek xxvii.)
That nothing be read in church besides the Canonical Scripture Item, that besides the Canonical Scriptures nothing be read in church under the name of divine Scripture. But the Canonical Scriptures are as follows:
- Genesis.
- Exodus.
- Leviticus.
- Numbers.
- Deuteronomy.
- Joshua the Son of Nun.
- The Judges.
- Ruth.
- The Kings, iv. books.
- The Chronicles, ij. books.
- Job.
- The Psalter.
- The Five books of Solomon.
- The Twelve Books of the Prophets.
- Isaiah.
- Jeremiah.
- Ezechiel.
- Daniel.
- Tobit.
- Judith.
- Esther.
- Ezra, ij. books.
- Macchabees, ij. books.
- The New Testament.
Let this be sent to our brother and fellow bishop, Boniface, and to the other bishops of those parts, that they may confirm this canon, for these are the things which we have received from our fathers to be read in church.
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